Impression Jewellery

Welcome to your fingerprint jewellery kit! This kit contains everything you need to create a personalised fingerprint mould, which will be used to craft a beautiful and unique piece of jewellery. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a perfect impression.

Kit Contents:

In your kit, you will have received:

  • 2 small metal tins (to return your finished piece in, one in each)
  • 2 balls of 0.40g jeweller’s wax (one for practice, one for the final piece; DO NOT COMBINE BOTH WAXES)
  • Registration form on the back of the QR code card to be completed and returned with finished wax moulds
  • QR code for instructions


1. Preparation:

  • Ensure your hands and the finger to be used for the wax mould are clean and dry. This helps in getting a clear and detailed fingerprint impression.
  • Make sure the person's finger is not too dry. You can use a small amount of moisturiser rubbed well into your hands to ensure the wax does not stick to your finger.

2. Warming the Wax:

  • Take a small piece of jeweler’s wax from one of the tins and knead it in your hands to soften it. The warmth of your hands will make the wax more pliable and easier to work with.
  • You can also use a heat device, such as a hair dryer, to warm the wax if needed. Simply roll the wax into a ball and heat it evenly with the hair dryer. It only needs to be warm enough to be malleable.
  • The wax should stay in ball form and become malleable. Remove any cracks in the wax to create a smooth surface using the hair dryer or warming more in your hands.

3. Forming the Wax:

  • Shape the softened wax into a small ball.
  • The wax should stay in ball form and become malleable. Remove any cracks in the wax to create a smooth surface.

4. Creating the Impression:

  • Gently press the chosen finger firmly into the centre wax ball on top of the metal tin lid. Hold the pressure for a few seconds to ensure a clear and deep impression. 
  • Carefully lift your finger straight up to avoid smudging the print.
  • This is how your final piece will look, so please be mindful of the size and detail in which you press into the mould.
  • Leave the wax on the tin lid to cool slightly before removing and placing in the tin itself. 

5. Creating a Double-Sided Impression:

  • Press both fingers into the wax at the same time, then gently peel one finger off at a time.

6. Creating a Child's Impression:

  • Fingerprint impressions are more visible after 12 months. If the fingerprint is faint, you can use a toe print or knuckle imprint instead.
  • If the print is faint in the wax, this is how it will appear in the metal. If you are not happy with how the impression comes out, please get in touch as waiting a few more months may be a better option. Under 12 months, an impression of the finger outline may come up well; it is a personal preference.

7. Creating a Pet's Nose or Paw Impression:

  • To create an impression of your pet's nose or paw, shape the softened wax into a small disk and place it in the lid of the tin.
  • Gently press your pet's nose or paw firmly into the centre of the wax disk. Hold the pressure for a few seconds to ensure a clear and deep impression.
  • Carefully lift your pet's paw or nose straight up to avoid smudging the print.
  • Alternatively, you can use your finger to press the wax onto your pet's nose or paw to create a unique double-sided mould of you and your pet.

8. Inspecting the Mould:

  • Examine the wax impression. Ensure that all the details of the fingerprint, nose, paw print, toe print, or knuckle print are clearly visible. The way the impression looks is how your finished piece will appear. If you do not like the look of it, you can repeat the above steps until you are happy.

Post-Completion Instructions:

  • Store the wax moulds in a cool, dry place to prevent them from becoming soft or deformed. Molds can be kept in the fridge in the sealed tin until ready to be posted.
  • Complete the registration form on the back of the QR code card and return it with the finished wax molds in the provided tins.


  • If the wax becomes too hard to work with, you can gently warm it with a hair dryer or place it in warm water for a few seconds.
  • For best results, practice making a few impressions until you are comfortable with the process.
  • There are 2 balls of wax to practice with; please return both with impressions, one for backup!

Safety Precautions:

  • Keep the wax and molds out of reach of children and pets.

Need Help?

For further assistance, please contact me at

Processing Time:

Please allow 4-6 weeks for us to transform your moulds into stunning jewellery pieces.